As you know, I'm cultivating a new kind of joy as I countdown to 29 and I'm in major reflection mode. For my 29th year, I'm creating a new bucket list of t tohe 29 things I'd like to accomplish in the 365 days before my 30th birthday. I'll be listing 4 a day for the next week. [Read #1-4] [Read #5-8] [Read #9-12]
Indulge me:
13. Save $4/day -- saving money has to start small. Because I left my full-time job to focus on seminary and my ministerial internships, I haven't had much money to save. In fact, I feel as if I've been financially under since last June when my savings dried up. I can't put away much right now, but $4/day can be negotiated. No more spontaneous midday coffees. No empty snacks that leave me hungry. I can make those sacrifices.
14. Explore more shades of lipstick -- okay, this seems trivial but I LOVE my lips and you should my lips, that is. Lol I'm pretty basic when it comes to lip color -- deep reds, an occasional rich pink, and neutral. But I recently watched a YouTube video and the woman had on a turquoise lip and BABY, IT WAS LIT! I don't wear much makeup regularly but I do wear lips, so I'm gonna explore more during this year of life.
15. Take 24 hours of silence bi-weekly -- No talking. No TV. No music. No work. No social media. Just a true Sabbath where I can sit with myself and my thoughts. This is hard to do with all that is required of us. I have many friends who can't disconnect in this way because their work desires access to them at all hours of the day and week. We have to reclaim our time though -- to take back our peace from a work culture that's killing us.
16. Produce worship content -- I've composed and produced many music projects over the years, but I've been stumbling when it comes to my worship content. I've laid a few tracks and I've workshopped songs, but I haven't released anything yet. I think I'm scared, and I'm trying to unpack that. I'd like to release a single and some worship videos featuring original content during my 365 to 30.
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